东莞石排准联制衣厂 东莞市石排镇庙边王村王仲铭大道兴隆三路本公司是一家香港公司.以生产休闲装为主.产品100%外销.销往澳大利亚.美国.英国.意大利等国.生产品牌有:NEXT.F C.OBS.RIP CURL.DAC.....等.Dongguan Shipai quasi garment factory Dongguan Shipai village temple side Wang Zhongming Avenue Xinglong road threeThe company is a Hongkong company. The production of leisure equipment based. 100% export. Sold in Australia, the United StatesBritain, Italy and other countries. The production of brands are: C.OBS.RIP CURL.DAC NEXT.F...