1. 在ERP系统进行国内客户及出口订单/发货单/发票的制作及确认,维护客户存货档案及价格
Input customers’ order/delivery/invoice in ERP, maintain customers’ parts file and quotation.
2. 客户采购系统进行订单/出货单据/账单确认,确保数据及时准确
Maintain order/ delivery notice/ bill in customer systems, and insure the date timely and accurate.
3. 国内客户及出口订单及时有效管理,与计划/销售/质量等各个部门沟通协调, 以保证按时交付及客户满意度
Monitor customers’ order status timely and efficiently, communicate efficient with plan/sales/quality and relative departments to guarantee on time delivery and customer satisfaction.
4. 关注客户预测情况,根据以往的销售情况进行预测分析,及时将客户预测反馈给计划及相关部门,以达成公司的绩效目标
Pay close attention to customers’ forecast, analyse the sales and forecast dates, and update the status to plan and relative departments to meet company KPIs.
Face customers’ complaints and suggestion positively, and reply customers’ survey on time with team numbers.
6. 客户对账及跟踪逾期应收款
Monthly account check with customers, and follow the overdue payment.
7. 与营运及销售部门紧密协作,以达成库存周转率目标及不断提高客户满意度
Work closely with operation and sales department to improve inventory turns and satisfaction of customers.
8. 客户订单/报价单/对账单及其他单据的存档及维护
Keep well for customers’ order/ quotation/ bill and other document and file.
9. 每月销售订单,出货,销售额,预测准确率等数据统计,及领导交代的其他任务
Calculate monthly order, delivery, sales and forecast accuracy data, and complete other tasks assigned by leader.
1. 专科或以上学历, 3年以上客服或跟单类似经验
Graduated from college or above, more than 3 years’ experience of customer service or relative.
2. 良好的英语听说读写能力, 熟练操作Office办公软件, 熟练操作excel,熟悉ERP或SAP系统操作为佳
Good in English listening, writing, and specking, be familiar with Office system, skilful at Excel, better if familiar with ERP or SAP system.
3. 知晓国际贸易或进出口知识,有跟进国外客户订单的经验为佳
Have basic international trade knowledge, better if have working experience of international trade.
4. 责任心强,诚实肯干,学习能力强
High responsibility, work hard, honest and quick learner
5. 良好的沟通协调能力,具备快速解决问题的能力
Good communicate ability and can solve problems efficiently.
上海佩琪信息技术有限公司(HRPackage)是一家专注于HR云平台和一站式人力资源外包服务的提供商。 我们正为300多个城市30多个行业的2000多家跨国企业和本地大型企业提供人力资源服务,包括HR云平台、人事代理、薪资外包、服务外包、共享服务中心咨询、员工商业保险、体检、员工灵活福利和外籍员工服务等。我们正服务的2000多家客户中,包括25家世界500强企业、15家中国民营500强企业以及5家中国国有500强企业等。 佩琪集团致力于打造亚太地区最专业的人力资源共享服务中心。